The driving characteristics of stepper motor
Source:本站 Author:常州方友机电有限公司 Release time:2021-11-18 14:14:12 Page view:2173Stepper motor is a very important driving parts of mechanical equipment, the main role of the stepper motor is to drive other accessories to run, if you want to fully understand the stepper motor, then you need to first understand the driving characteristics of the stepper motor. Let's take a look at the driving characteristics of the stepper motor. I hope you found these helpful.
Under the basic single-phase drive mode, the phase winding current will cycle by I+A→I+B→ I-a →I-B 4 beats. In the basic step two-phase drive mode, the phase winding current will cycle according to I+A, I+B→I+B, I-A→ I-a, I-B→I-B, I+A 4 beats, that is, the current vector of the whole step drive mode will evenly divide A circle into four parts. Under the half-step single, two-phase alternating drive mode, the phase winding current will cycle by I+A→I+A, I+B→I+B→I+B, I-A→I-A, I-B→I-B→I-B, I+A 8 beats, that is, the current vector of the half-step drive mode can be divided into 8 parts of A circle. The stepping current generated under the two-phase excitation mode will be the synthesized current vector of each phase, respectively I1, I2, I3 and I4, whose amplitude is times of the single-phase current value. Therefore, in the half-step single and two-phase excitation drive mode, in order to keep the torque constant, when the current is converted from dual-phase to single-phase, such as I-B, I+A→I+A, the current of the +A-A phase winding should be increased to The Times of the dual-phase current I+A, and the half-step constant torque running current changes with time. When the basic step two-phase drive mode is changed to the basic step single-phase drive mode, the output torque must be kept constant, and the phase current is also multiple of the two-phase current. Because the step resolution of the half-step single and two-phase excitation method is doubled, and the motor will run more smoothly, and the phase coil utilization rate of the basic step two-phase excitation method is high, which can produce a large torque, and will produce electromagnetic damping, weaken or remove the oscillation phenomenon, these two control methods are more often used.
This article introduces the driving characteristics of the stepper motor, we should have a corresponding understanding of the driving characteristics of the stepper motor, welcome to our company to buy equipment, our equipment quality is reliable, equipment models are diverse, affordable, welcome to consult at any time. Specific contact information can be viewed on our website, which has a specific phone number and address.