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Noise Treatment of DC Motors

Source:本站    Author:常州方友机电有限公司    Release time:2020-5-7 16:11:54    Page view:2023

On many devices, DC motors are used, and noise may occur due to faults during use. Here, I will introduce the noise treatment methods of DC motors for everyone to understand together.

1. Damaged transmission components. Due to improper operation during installation, the transmission components are damaged. Damaged components that cannot be repaired should be replaced as soon as possible to ensure that the system achieves a stable noise level.

2. Improper selection of materials. For some reducers that require low transmission noise and vibration, high toughness and high damping foundation materials should be selected to reduce the occurrence of noise and vibration.

3. The components of the DC motor are loose. During installation, vibration and noise are generated due to the looseness of individual components. This series needs to start from the design structure, try to ensure the stable connection of each mechanism, and adopt multiple connection methods.

4. Adjust the geometric accuracy of components. Due to the geometric accuracy not meeting the standard requirements during installation, resulting in noise, it is necessary to start with the installation process.

The article analyzes several possible causes of DC motor noise faults and proposes corresponding solutions. If your DC motor experiences noise, you can try to adopt the above suggestions to solve it. If you still cannot solve the noise problem, you may need to seek the help of professional maintenance personnel.

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